Saturday, September 30, 2006

懷舊一番: 八十年代的電影 (上)


小時候很喜歡看電影。家裡客廳常堆滿了老爸從公司帶回來的VCR(要知道那時還沒有Laser Disc)。每天有空就坐在電視前,看到精彩的部份還會一直Rewind。有幾部電影不得不在這裡跟大家緬懷一下:

1.英雄本色 (A Better Tomorrow) 1986

2.秋天的童話 (An Autumn's Tale) 1987
“船頭尺”與“茶煲”的經典愛情故事。那時候完全看不懂;只記得鍾楚紅很美,周潤發卻土裡土氣的。到電影最後一幕,也不懂為什麼周潤發要問:「Table for two?」我心裡在想:「為什麼不衝過去抱她呢?」很希望可以重看一遍,看看當時的紐約是什麼樣子。

3.警察故事 (A Police Story) 1985


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All About Yoga!

Recently EuEu has started going to Bikram yoga and she told me that it was an amazing experience. I thought...Doing yoga in a 105F room?? Amazing??? So last night I decided to join EuEu to experience my very 1st Bikram yoga class.

(I practiced yoga when I was in college. At that time I was addicted to it. I went to the studio at least 4 times a week. After each practice I always felt my body stronger and my mind more focused. However, one time I was doing a posture incorrectly and my lower back was injured. Since then, I have switched to swimming, but yoga has remained one of my favorites.)

The class started at 8pm. When we entered the studio, the room was extremely warm, smelly and stuffy (people from previous class just left). But the heat in the room helped loosen up my muscles and joints, and my body felt relaxed. The instructor went over 26 postures in 90 minutes. I started sweating in the first 5 minutes, but there were times when I felt light-headed and had to sit down. My all-time favorite pose is Savasana (the lying down, restorative pose) :P Overall the experience was good, and I felt energetic after the practice.

Already signed up for 1-week unlimited for 1st time students. Will be back for more "yoga-talk" :)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

中秋節 ﹣“食”月餅



Friday, September 22, 2006




「人生偶爾會走上一條陌路 像是沒有指標的地圖
別讓他們說你該知足 只有你知道什麼是你的幸福
他常會嚮往能回到那年他一十二 只需要好好上學生活單純沒憂愁
他笑著想過未來 他應該得到幸福 如此的簡單的夢
