Friday, September 22, 2006




「人生偶爾會走上一條陌路 像是沒有指標的地圖
別讓他們說你該知足 只有你知道什麼是你的幸福
他常會嚮往能回到那年他一十二 只需要好好上學生活單純沒憂愁
他笑著想過未來 他應該得到幸福 如此的簡單的夢



Anonymous said...

Oh...first time at your blog! I like the book. Can I borrow it once you're done? I need to hurry otherwise it's 35 not far away! ^_^

Leigo said...

Welcome to blogspot! Here is list:

Hm... let's see much many did we accomplish?

Anonymous said...

hey girl, long time no see!
Miss you lots and lots,
how's your graphic works?

Works are very busy at Hualien,
but always waiting for you all to come back.

DT's "22" is my favorite song too.
since I am really far away from that already. Ha! Ha!

Recommand you a great book & movie
"左賀的超級阿嬤".They even pre-showed the movie to Master. It really is a great movie, and I wrote about it in my blog. ^_^

Take care!

Anonymous said...

new blog, new start! enjoy it and have fun!!

read the 33X35 things via the link lei provided, it's a great reminder. and my quick assessment makes me feel that i'm not so doomed after all. what a relief! ;)

been thinking about "只有你知道什麼是你的幸福" for some time. it's a really good question. do we really know what IS our 幸福???! coming up with an answer is the easy part, i think. but making sure that you've been BRUTALLY honest with your own answer is much harder. it requires sufficient information/experience (about the path you want to follow... most of the time we can't make decisions base on pure whim), patience (to dig dig dig), and courage (because sometimes you dig up things that you really don't want to admit or lack the guts/luxury to follow-through). i find it an agonizing yet fascination process that definitely worths giving it a try.

Guo-Jun Fashi from Dharma Drum Mt. said on one of the retreats,"What is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is to figure out the purpose of life." This answer may sound cheeky at the first glance, but I think it captures what i wanted to say in the previous paragraph. also, again, it gives me a sense of relief that "oh so it's okay that i haven't figure out all the answers yet!"

anyhow, this posting is becoming way too long. hope i didn't sound like i'm lecturing, but merely sharing my journey.

with love and a big hug...

Anonymous said...

joanne - sure! i'll bring it to our next gathering. hope i'll finish it by then :)

leigo - i think we don't need to limit ourselves to accomplishing all 33 things before we reach 35. as long as we are doing our best, we should be in pretty good shape~ :P

one fish - Hi there! Long time no talk! How's everything in Hualien? fact I just finsihed "左賀的超級阿嬤" a few days ago. It is a GREAT book~ The way that 阿嬤 deals with the hardship in life has propelled my way of seeing things differently, too. Glad to have had a chance to read it. Hope the movie will be as good as the book. Wonder when it'll come out in DVDs....

anny - thank you for telling us your thoughts! i think those are things we need to review from time to time. as you broughts up: "只有你知道什麼是你的幸福", i wonder when/how we will figure out what our 幸福 is. each and every one of us has a different definition of 幸福. I think it's a really good discussion topic. perhaps it'll be a good book for our next "book club" :)